Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea

This post is just in time for the challenge, I took the first photo at Veracruz in México during «Semana Santa» holiday, we were just partying for a few days at the beach; a nice photobomb by the couple behind.

The second was taken at Brighton, UK; I guess it was too early for fish & chips but I just kept walking to find my reward.

Partying in Veracruz, México

Partying in Veracruz, México

Too early for the Fish & Chips at Brighton, UK.

Too early for Fish & Chips at Brighton, UK.


Acerca de Adrián Mendoza

Amante de la música, lector empedernido de novelas épicas, policiacas y de ciencia ficción; fotógrafo amateur, paracaidista en salto tándem, miembro activo de la Steeler Nation, entusiasta de aprender idiomas, cinéfilo por ocio, ciclista urbano y trepa-cerros.

Publicado el 3 septiembre, 2013 en Ciudades, Fotografía, Mundo y etiquetado en , , . Guarda el enlace permanente. 1 comentario.

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