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Weekly Photo Challenge: Door

Esta semana comparto con ustedes imágenes de puertas, la primera es de la Royal Opera House en Londres, la segunda foto es la famosa tienda Cyberdog en el barrio de Candem Town en Londres y por último la impresionante entrada de la Catedral de Notre-Dame en París.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Blur «Hell & Heaven Metal Fest, Mexico D.F.»

En el reto de ésta semana consiste en mostrar una fotografía fuera de foco, ya sea intencional o circunstancialmente. Un concierto es el lugar ideal para tomar fotos borrosas y si es el Hell &Heaven Metal Fest y estás hasta en frente, a unos metros del escenario, bueno pues probablemente un 90% de fotos saldrán borrosas.

The challenge of this week consist in showing you a photo out of focus. A concert is an ideal place to take blurry photos and if it is the Hell & Heaven Metal Fest and you are at the front, just a few meters from the stage, well probably a 90% of the photos will be blurry.

Rob Zombie

La figura verde del centro es Rob Zombie cantando en medio del público. ———The green form in the middle is Rob Zombie singing in the middle of the crowd.

Acá hay más fotos

Lee el resto de esta entrada

Weekly Photo Challenge: Tirando rostro desde la pared

El reto de ésta semana consiste en publicar la foto de una pared que tenga algo especial, como éste retrato ¿esculpido? en la pared de este viejo edificio. La foto fue tomada el día de mi cumpleaños No. 26 en el 2012 sobre una de las calles del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México.El rostro emparedado

This week the challenge consist in publishing a photograph showing a wall but not any wall, a very special wall just like this portrait carved in the side of this old building. The photo was taken on my 26th birthday on a street in Mexico City’s Downtown.

Weekly Photo Challenge x 3 | Saturated, From lines to patterns and Inside

This time I have to show you 3 different topics in one post because the last week I couldn’t make it. The first topic is Saturated, I wil show you my visit to m&m’s World in London, some mexican food in La Marquesa and some religious images. Then comes From lines to patterns, here you will see some trees, a strange sculpture, a window in a cathedral, a ceiling and one of the main symbols of Paris. At the bottom you will find Inside, here i want to show you diferent kinds of transportation such as train, car and plane. Of course escalators are very useful, they can bring you to the Earth’s Core.


From Lines to Patterns


Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea

This post is just in time for the challenge, I took the first photo at Veracruz in México during «Semana Santa» holiday, we were just partying for a few days at the beach; a nice photobomb by the couple behind.

The second was taken at Brighton, UK; I guess it was too early for fish & chips but I just kept walking to find my reward.

Partying in Veracruz, México

Partying in Veracruz, México

Too early for the Fish & Chips at Brighton, UK.

Too early for Fish & Chips at Brighton, UK.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Focus | 3+

Ok I just missed the last weekly photo challenge but I will make it triple for you my friends. I think that almost all the photos I’ve been using in the last challenges were taken on my trips all over the world. So maybe my subconscious tell me every time to shoot different kind of photos for using them in those challenges. These photos were taken during my trip to England and France in July. I hope you to enjoy them.

Se me pasó la fecha del reto pasado, así que ésta vez les traeré el triple amigos. Creo que casi todas las fotos que he usado en éstos retos han sido tomadas durante mis viajes alrededor del mundo. Tal vez mi subconsciente me dice cada vez, que tome muchos tipos de fotos para poderlas utilizar aquí.

Éstas fotos en particular fueron tomadas durante mi viaje a Inglaterra y Francia en Julio, espero que las disfruten.

My fisrt try playing with focus in Hyde Park

My first try playing with focus in Hyde Park, London.

Just a lock in Millenium Brigde, London. Just like those bridges in Italy and France

Just a lock in Millenium Bridge, London. Just like those bridges in Italy and France

Pont de l'Archevêché in Paris. Where the lovers declare their love forever.

Pont de l’Archevêché in Paris. Where the lovers declare their love forever.


Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways | Disneyland

I took these photos during my trip to Europe 3 weeks ago, I went to Disneyland Paris with my students, i had forgotten how exhausting is being a child, waiting hours in lines to ride the attractions. We had a lot of fun. I took these pictures just before the show started, it was amazing with the fountains, lights, fireworks and music.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique

The last summer I took photos to a couple of dead trees near to Parc des Cèdres in Gatineau, QC, Canada. I loved this city, it is so quiet and paceful, quite different of my beloved Mexico City.

SAM_2700This is a kind of a wizard, here is its actual location in google maps


And tihs is a kind of a castle with dragons and this is its location